September 13, 2023

Welcome to the Good Ground!


We are excited to announce that Providence Poultry is expanding! We are going back to basics, back to a place where farming is an integral part of our community. We want to produce a range of food that is good for people, animals, and the earth.

At The Good Ground, we want to take a purposeful approach to agriculture. We believe in knowing your farmer, and knowing your food – so we seek to farm in line with the created order and stay community focused.

We are excited to announce that Providence Poultry is expanding! We are going back to basics, back to a place where farming is an integral part of our community. We want to produce a range of food that is good for people, animals, and the earth.

Farming for Good

While the transition is still a few years away from being complete, the growth is exciting. It is great to be excited about food again, to be producing food that people truly enjoy, and to see the effect the production methods have on the land.
Perhaps if you are in the area someday, you would like to stop by and see what we are currently working on.

Selections of produce are now being harvested and some meat is also available for preorder. Find us at the West Lincoln Community Centre on Saturdays or visit our roadside stand at 3327 Zimmerman Road, Lincoln.

In the coming months and years we hope to offer more varieties of good food. Contact Mike to learn more about what The Good Ground has for you!

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Nice Words
From the

Mike and his team have such a passion for what they do. They care a lot about growing and raising food that is the best for our bodies and are good stewards of the land. They love to share their vision with others. We have bought pork from the Good Ground for a few years and are not disappointed. The pigs are ethically raised and provide good quality meat. The vegetables are grown with no chemical pesticides and and are reasonably priced. We plan to continue buying our food supplies from them and look forward to what they have to offer in the future as they continue to expand.

– Michael

We have enjoyed the produce from your garden over two summers now and have wished that the summer did not have to end. The veggies were a good size, delicious and well cleaned. That is very impressive for a start-up farm! We have also more than thoroughly enjoyed the pork that we have purchased. It was a privilege for us to see that the pigs were raised in the forest, out of the sun, eating from the earth and running around with their pig friends. You could see that as Josh interacted with them, he cared for their well-being and was attentive to their surroundings.  We've enjoyed the juicy loin chops, sausages and bacon with so much pleasure. Knowing how the pigs are raised has allowed us to eat pork again. We feel good about eating meat that was raised on good ground. Our family looks forward to more produce and hopefully more kinds of good meat! Keep up the great work!

– hildy

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“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced…” — Mark 4:8

Farming for good

“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced…” — Mark 4:8