Welcome to our natural farm! Here is a little about us and our mission.

Our Roots

the history

At the Good Ground, we are excited about growing good food. We hold the conviction that quality food does not have to compromise – our practices not only produce nourishing food that people truly enjoy, but also benefit the land we tend, so that it improves and becomes more resilient year after year.

What We Believe

We’ve designed our practices on the foundation of regenerative agriculture, and we believe that food quality matters. Food is more than convenience and energy, but should also be sustaining, nutrient-dense, and delicious. We also value the soil and land our food is grown on, and believe in leaving things better than the way we found it, including our land.

We also want to strengthen and support our immediate community, and provide opportunities for others to witness the wonder of natural farming.  On our farm, we mimic natural systems and develop ecological harmony by integrating our annual crops with perennials, animals, bugs, and wildlife. As we aim to pursue the creator God in our agriculture, we strive to make his beauty, creativity, and abundance indisputable.

Our Roots

the history

Regenerative agriculture:

farming in a way that builds soil and environmental health, while allowing animals to live as they were created to, and ending with a food product of higher flavour, quality, and nutrition than its conventional, grocery-store counterpart.

An Unlikely Start

An Introduction to agriculture

We are Mike and Nicole. We started our adventure in the country in late 2017 by running Providence Poultry, a farm built to raise chickens for the meat industry. This first experience with farming taught us much about animal husbandry and operating a business.

A couple years later, seemingly by happenstance, Mike picked up a book titled “Folks, This Ain’t Normal,” written by farmer Joel Salatin. The ideas in this book resonated with Mike, and prompted him to question conventional agriculture and research other farming systems.

Seeing the benefits firsthand

Intrigued by the idea of regenerative agriculture, we decided to buy six piglets in the summer of 2021, and raise them in our forest. Using a series of small paddocks, we moved them through the forest over the summer, trying to mimic what would be a pig’s natural life. When we tasted the pork at the end of the year, the quality astonished us! That was a turning point for us, and we decided the idea of regenerative agriculture was worth pursuing.

Moving Ahead with confidence

Over the years that followed, the transition away from conventional poultry farming and towards regenerative agriculture began in earnest. With the help of some key people, and particularly with Joshua joining the team, we increased the size of our pig herd and added a market vegetable garden. Then, in the beginning of 2023 and with the help of Capture Studio, we launched The Good Ground Natural Farm.  We’re excited to share our good food and our passion for natural farming with others, and we’re really just getting started!



Farming for good

At The Good Ground, we want to take a purposeful approach to agriculture.

We’re making farming better by going back to basics and keeping our hands in the dirt. We want farmers to be a key part of the community and grow food that’s good for people, animals, and the earth.

Our Future

growing tall

While the transition is still a few years away from being complete, the growth is exciting. It is great to be excited about food again, to be producing food that people truly enjoy, and to see the effect the production methods have on the land. Perhaps if you are in the area someday, you would like to stop by and see what we are currently working on.

There’s always something new happening on the farm!

With many years of experience in various sectors of the agricultural industry, our team of experts is dedicated to growing good food and building good community. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us with your questions!

Mike Hutten

Owner & founder

Mike took ownership of Providence Poultry Ltd. as an operating farm in 2018. An avid reader and life-long learner, Mike started thinking differently about food production after reading Joel Salatin’s book, “Folks, This Ain’t Normal.” What started as an interest gradually turned into a passion/mission, as Mike decided to transition Providence Poultry Ltd. away from conventional poultry farming, and towards a regenerative farm focussed on building healthy soil, producing delicious food, and benefiting his friends and neighbors.

Mike lives on the farm with his wife Nicole and their four children.

Joshua Sloots

Lead hand

Josh joined Providence Poultry in May 2022 as a farm hand. The intention of his role was to help Mike transition his conventional farm into a regenerative one. Since being hired, Josh has helped kickstart our market garden, raised our pigs, and continues to provide valuable research to improve our farm’s regenerative practices.

Josh’s passion for this method of farming was ignited when he took a course about Ecological Agriculture in Washington State as part of his bachelor degree in Environmental Science. During his time there, he grew to better understand and appreciate the importance of soil health in farming. This course also forced him to think more critically about where his food comes from, how it’s raised, and why it’s important. He also got the opportunity to tour a variety of different farms in Washington State; seeing these small-scale farms and talking to the farmers inspired him to pursue regenerative farming.

Olivia Sloots

Admin & Marketing

Liv joined The Good Ground in December 2022 to help out on the marketing end of things. Her current role mostly consists of taking various farm marketing courses (e.g., Joel Salatin, Charlotte Smith) and learning how to best showcase what The Good Ground has to offer to the community.

Liv also helps out on the farm in the market garden, harvesting and packaging plants to sell at the farm stand and farmer’s markets. Her 4 years of experience working at a tree nursery have been valuable for working in the garden, especially during planting season.

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“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced…” — Mark 4:8

Farming for good

“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced…” — Mark 4:8